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Chinese PLA training dogs to carry-out explosive missions, Video goes viral - See Latest

Chinese PLA training dogs to carry-out explosive missions, Video goes viral

Chinese People Liberation Army has started using its dogs to carry-out the explosives missions. A video that has gone viral showcases how a Chinese PLA soldier trains a dog to carry explosives and a camera to conduct the mission.

By Rohit Sindhu, Updated : Jan 24, 2021 13:44 IST
Chinese PLA training dogs to carry-out explosive missions, Video goes viral
Chinese PLA soldier training dogs- Photo-Screengrab

On Twiter, a video has gone viral showcasing a Chinese PLA soldier training a dog to carry-out explosive missions using IEDs. A soldier of the Chinese People Liberation Army is seen standing behind a dog that is being trained for dangerous missions.

According to the military experts, China's CCP has gone inhuman by starting using their dogs to carry the explosives. Dogs with camera's & IED can be seen instructed by a PLA soldier. "This time the PLARF! Bloody shameless cowards!", expert hitting out at the tactics of Chinese PLA tweets. Video via SCMPNews.

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