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Iran executes opposition figure and dissident journalist Ruhollah Zam - See Latest

Iran executes opposition figure and dissident journalist Ruhollah Zam

Iran on Saturday executes the journalist Ruholla Zam by hanging. Zam was sentenced to death by a Revolutionary Court in June and was convicted of corruption on Earth, a charge often leveled in cases involving espionage or attempts to overthrow Iran's government.

By Rohit Sindhu, Updated : Dec 12, 2020 11:32 IST
Iran executes opposition figure and dissident journalist Ruhollah Zam
Iran Executes Journalist Zam- representational image

Iran has executed the opposition figure and journalist Ruhollah Zam, confirms the state media. Following the execution announced by Iran's Revolutionary Prosecutor's Office, Zam hanged on December 12. Dissident Journalist Ruhollah Zam was found guilty for his online work that helped inspire nationwide economic protests in 2017, state TV reports.

The semi-official ISNA news agency reported on December 12 that Tehran’s Revolutionary Prosecutor's Office announced Zam’s execution by hanging.

The execution of jouranlist comes days after Iran’s judiciary announced that the Supreme Court had upheld a death sentence against the him, which drew international condemnation.

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