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Pakistan Army launches operation in Balochistan, kills two locals and abducts women and children - See Latest

Pakistan Army launches operation in Balochistan, kills two locals and abducts women and children

According to recent reports, the Pakistan Army on tuesday launched an operation in the Kohistan Marri area of its Balochistan Province where gunships were used on the local populace and 2 locals were also killed by the Pak Army.

By Harkirpal Singh, Updated : Feb 09, 2021 18:27 IST
Pakistan Army launches operation in Balochistan, kills two locals and abducts women and children
Local Baloch people protesting against Pak Army

According to recent reports, Pakistan Army on Tueasday launched a massive crackdown operation in its illegally occupied region of Balochistan against its local population. The operation was conducted in the Kohistan Marri area where gunships were used on civilians.

So Far, The deaths of two Marri Balochs have been confirmed, while a large number of women and children have also reportedly been abducted.

Credit- Sher Mohammad Bugti, Central Spokesman of BRP, The Baloch Republican Party

Pakistan's Inter-Services Intelligence (ISI) agency has been accused of massive human rights abuses in Balochistan by Human Rights Watch, with the enforced disappearance of hundreds of nationalists and activists. In 2008 alone, an estimated 1102 people were disappeared from the region.

There have also been reports of torture. An increasing number of bodies are being found on roadsides, having been shot in the head. Balochistan has been fighting for its freedom since the creation of Pakistan but so far no major breakthrough has been achieved.

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