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Schools in Uttar Pradesh reopen after 7 months, Here's what Teachers say - See Latest

Schools in Uttar Pradesh reopen after 7 months, Here's what Teachers say

Schools in the state of Uttar Pradesh are re-opening from Monday, October 19, 2020 with social-distancing norms. The visuals captured outside and inside the school premises in U.P state are shared along with Teachers' reactions after re-opening of schools after nearly 7 months.

By Rohit Sindhu, Updated : Oct 19, 2020 11:20 IST
Schools in Uttar Pradesh reopen after 7 months, Here's what Teachers say
Schools Re-open in Uttar Pradesh

Following the Union Home Ministry Guidelines on the re-opening of Educational Institutions, State Governments of Uttar Pradesh and Punjab have decided to go-ahead with reopening of schools, nearly after seven months. As both Govt and Private schools are reopening from Monday i.e October 19, the social-distancing is being observed across the premises, News Agency ANI reported.

Across the School premise proper arrangements are made to ensure the safety of students and staff members. Proper sanitization, use of face cover/ masks are being ordered across the District schools, says District Education Officer, Lucknow, Uttar Pradesh. Here are the Teachers' reactions and visuals from Govt/ Private schools in order to ensure safety from the Covid-19. 

Schools are re-opening for students of Class 9th-12th after 7 months amid COVID19 pandemic. "We're are happy to have them back. Without students, school was just reduced to 4 walls. We are following all COVID-19 protocols," says Veera Hajela, Principal, City Montessori School in Lucknow.

Gorakhpur: Schools across the state re-open after 7 months, following strict COVID-19 guidelines. Visuals from Little Flower School students attending classes while maintaining social distancing Uttar Pradesh

As per ANI report in Moradabad Schools are ordered to re-open partially for Class 9th-12th students under strict COVID19 guidelines. Gandhi Nagar Public School of teachers conducts physical classes for students present in the school & online classes for those who are not attending the school.

Should Read- Schools in Delhi to remain-close till October 31

Schools, except those in containment zones, re-open for students of Class 9th-12th, following COVID-19 norms. "Students, whose parents gave written consent, were permitted entry. We aren't allowing more than 20 students in a class," says P S Ganesh, a Pvt School Manager in Gaziabad.

Schools Re-open in Punjab:

Students of only class 9-12 can come to clear their doubts. We've allotted 8-11 am slot to class 9 & 10 and 12-3 pm slot to classes 11 & 12. We have written consent of 110 students, for the same. All COVID-19 norms are being followed, says Principal, Govt Senior Secondary Smart School in Punjab. Here are the visuals from a school in Ludhiana.

Schools in the state of Punjab are reopening from Monday, months after they were closed in the wake of COVID-19 pandemic. Only doubt clarification classes for standard 9-12 are being allowed, online classes by the schools to continue, an official statement reads.

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