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10 (TEN) | Release Date | Cast and Crew - See latest
10 (TEN)


01 Dec 2018

Formet: 2D


Views - 4845

10 (TEN) Release date

01 Dec 2018

Langauge - Telugu

Formet - 2D


Summary -

10 (TEN)- 10(ten) is a Telugu movie . A driving instructor in Chennai and many roles is hired by Das, a local criminal to deliver a woman named Shakeela, an Orphan to Pooran Singh in Mussoorie. During their journey, the instructor feels irritated by her antics but eventually falls in love with her. As they reach the destination, the instructor learns the reason why Shakeela is summoned to Mussoorie and realizing the potential danger that she is in tries to save her.

Cast & Crew